Not The 1812 Overture But the War Of 1812

Many of us associate the year 1812 with the Overture which was commissioned to commemorate Russia’s deference against Napoleon’s armies in 1812. However, the year has another significance – The War of 1812. This was the subject presented by Steve Lewis of the local branch of the U3A to Sutton Coldfield Circle at its meeting on Monday 13th November at Moor Hall Hotel, Sutton Coldfield. Steve gave a very detailed and informative presentation of how the war was fought by the United States and its indigenous allies against the United Kingdom and its own indigenous allies in British North America with limited participation by Spain in Florida. The basis of the war between 1812 and 1815 was over national honour, neutral maritime rights, and the British seizure of neutral ships and their cargoes on the high seas. Various battles took place some large and some small. A very interesting and informative evening on a subject that is little known about.

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